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(Answer All the Questions)


l. Complete the following dialogue will: the correct forms of the words in the brackets. (5 marks) ‘
Sobila: Hello Ekoka! The election season is here again!
Ekoka: Yeah! It's always so. . . . . . . . . . (excite)! The beautiful campaign speeches, the gifts, music and what have you. What poet are you campaigning for?
Sobila: Hmmm! None! I wish I . . . . . . . . (to have) the personality for the office of president of the school cooperative, but you see, I can . . . . . . . . . (hard) even address my classmates not no talk of the whole school.
Ekoka: On the contrary, Sobila, you are far .. . . . . . . . (good) than many of this year's candidates! I melt, you have all it takes to be our president.
Sobila: Thank you for the . . . . . . . . . . (encourage). This is what friends are for. I count on you for your support and advice.

II. Conpllete the following sentences as instructed in each case. ( 5 marts)
l. “Next week, I will see the dentist to extract my bad tooth", Sani said. (reported speech)
2. Mengla did not greet Dion at the stadium. Dion did not greet Mengla at the stadium. (join both sentences using “each other”)
3. This is the player. He won the best scorer’: award at the AFCON tournament in Cameroon.
(Join with a relative pronoun)
4. The Principal sent the students away because they refused to apologise to their English Language teacher. (use the passive voice)
5. If the trader is polite, I will buy everything from him. (use the third conditional)


Complete the following sentence with the most appropriate words of your own. (5 marks)
1. Nowadays because of modern technology, information . . . . . . . . . faster.
2. Many people especially women checkout and follow latest . . . . . . . on Pinterest.
3. A person can have several . . . . . . . . through which their mails can be sent.
4. It is very easy to identify who you are communicating with on WhatsApp because of their . . . . . . . .pictures.
5. lt is also very easy these days to buy from . . . . . shops using the internet.

Complete the following text with the correct wards chosen from those in the box. (5 marks)

Gain, health, life, wages, devices, damaging, liver, leaver

Nowadays, more and more youths are involved in alcohol consumption. However, it is good to know that excessive alcohol intake can have very . . . . . . . . effects on the person drinking and their families. Alcohol affects not only the consumer's . . . . . . . .but also work performance, economic life and . . . . . . . . Too much drinking of alcohol is therefore unhealthy in every way. Sometimes these addicts develop lung diseases or . . . . . . . . . failure. if you are also going to drive, you should not drink because modem technological . . . . . . . . . can detect even small amounts of alcohol.

Section C: Reading comprehension (10 MARKS)

Read the text and answer the questions that follow it. Make complete sentences and in your own words as hutch as possible.

In 2009, a study found people who rated themselves as highly stressed had lower levels of stress hormones after eating chocolate every day for two weeks. In the study which was conducted by the Nestle Research Centre in Switzerland, 30 people ate 40 grams of dark chocolate daily, or a little less than a regular-sized Hershey's bar, which contains 44 grams.
The volunteers showed a significant ‘reduction of levels of stress associated hormones and normalisation of the systemic stress metabolic signatures. Researcher Kochlar wrote in the study, which was published in a research journal.
Chocolate may even help you do mathematics, according to a 2009 study conducted by researchers in Northamber University in the United Kingdom. The study showed that people did a better job of counting backward by threes from a random number after they had consumed a hot cocoa drink containing large amounts (500 g, equal to about five bars of chocolate) of flavonoid, an antioxidant found in cocoa beans that can increase blood flow to the brain.
Another study found that small, daily mounts of dark chocolate change the levels of c-reactive protein, which is associated with inflammation in the body. Participants in the 2008 study who ale about 4.5 g of dark chocolate a day had a ‘considerably reduced‘ inflammatory state according to the researchers.
The best effect is obtained by consuming an average amount of 6.7g of chocolate per day corresponding to a small square of chocolate twice a week.
Over the years, studies have steadily uncovered the benefits of chocolate. Most recently, it was found that people who ate a weekly serving of chocolate were 22% less likely to suffer a stroke than those who ate no chocolate.
While chocolate is rich in antioxidants called flavonoids, which may have a protective effect against stroke, study author Sarah Sahib of Master University in Ontario, Canada, noted that, more research is needed to determine whether chocolate truly lowers stroke risks, or whether healthier people are simply more likely to eat chocolate than others.
Here is the short and sweet truth: eating chocolate in moderation, of course docs seem to have some legitimate benefits which, may be due to its antioxidants.

(Source : http//www.smilefoundation .india)

l. On which category of people was the study on chocolate first conducted? (1 mark)
2. To whom does the word “volunteers” in paragraph 2 line l refer in the text? (1 mark)
3. Name four (04) benefits of consuming chocolate mentioned in the text. (2 marks)
4. What amounts of chocolate can give us the best results? (1 mark)
5. The name of the antioxidant found in chocolate is . . . . . . .(l mark)
6. Are the researchers in this text very certain that eating chocolate can lower the risk of stroke? Justify your answer. (2 marks)
7. Who are the researchers mentioned in the text? (1 mark)
8. Do you think children should w chocolate every day? Justify your answer. (1 marks)


Write a composition of between 200-250 words on ONE of the following topics

l. You are the President of the English Club in GBHS Nsombo. On the occasion of celebrations marking the National Week of Bilingualism, you have been asked to write an article for Cameroon Tribune on the importance of the English Language. In your article:
• state of the language in Cameroon,
• explain the importance of the language in social life, education, and other spheres
• strongly advise students to change negative attitudes towards the English Language.

2. You have noticed that many teenagers in your community are abandoning school because of unwanted pregnancies Write an essay in which you state the dangers of premarital sex. Also try to advice parents, children and the community at large on what to do to help youths, especially the girl child to stop this phenomenon.

3. The Ministry of Tourism has just opened a beautiful touristic site in your village. Write a letter to your friend Annabel in Germany who wants to visit your country. Describe the site and state clearly why you think your friend will like it. Also state the importance of this attraction to the social and economic life of the village. Your name is Naangou, and your village is ldenau.