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This section carries 10 marks.

• 2 marks for appearance;
• 2 marks for behaviour, like greeting the examiner once in the loom;
• 2 marks for respect of grammatical rules: subject, verb, complement;
• 4 marks for content or correct answer.

There are two questions below. Answer one of them.

1. Dialogue

Mrs Ndi: Good morning, Mr Bouli. You look very worried. What is wrong?
Mr Bouli: Good morning, Mrs Ndi. I cannot find my sheep. Have you seen them?
Mrs Ndi: No, but you can ask this little boy. He told me that he saw them.
Instruction: You are the little boy. Now look at the picture below. In two sentences, describe the sheep.
Tell Mr. Bouli where you saw them and what they usually eat.
Begin your sentence with ‘Good morning Mr. Bouli .

2. Below are some pictures. Look at them carefully and talk about them. You can use the questions below to guide you.

a) obamaWho is: he? What is his name, What does he do? Do you like him? Why or why not?
elephantWhat is this? Where is it’? What is it doing? Can it be your friend or pet?