(Answer all the questions)
A- Evaluation of resources ( 11 mks)
I -Evaluation of knowledge: (6 mks)
1- Which symbols are used on a standard outdoor athletics track to indicate either the start or the end of a take-over zone? 1 mk
2- How are athletes disposed on a track for sprint races during official events? 1 mk
3» Give two similarities and two differences between 100 m and 400 m races. (0.5mkx4=2 mks)
4- Name four objects used by officials during standard events in races. (0.5mk x 4=2mks)
II - Evaluation of know how: (5 mks)
1- What is the position of an athlete in gymnastics indicating he is ready to present his chain-up? 0.5 mk
2- Name the exercise done on the image above. 1 mk
I 3- What is the maximum score of an athlete executing his chain-up in an artistic gymnastics competition‘? 1 mk
4- What is the position of the E-panel around the competition surface in artistic gymnastics? 1 mk
5- Give three role of a member of the E-panel in artistic gymnastics. (0.5mk x3=l,5mk)
Problem Situation:
For an athletic event to take place, you are asked to do a briefing on high jump to the other officials to ameliorate their knowledge and their comprehension. Answer the following questions to prepare your presentation.
Image Task 1: 3mks
1.1 a) Give two symbols that are used to indicate the trials of athletes on a record sheet? 0,25mkx2=0.5mk
b) Give their signifiances. 0,25mkx2=0.5mk
1.2 Apart from the name and trials, which other athlete's information figure on the record sheet? 1 mk
1.3 Give the minimum standard height of the reception zone on the image. 1 mk
Task 2: 3mks
2.1 Locate the position of the official holding the white and red flag. 1 mk
2.2 How is the official in question 2.1 called? 1 rnk
2.3 Name the official holding the yellow flag. 1 mk
Task 3: 3 mks
3.1 Which process is used to indicate a decision of officials after a trial? 1 mk
L 3.2 How do you determine the various heights of the bar as on the image above during a competition? l mk
3.3 Name two important objects used by the official in charge of recording athletes performances? 1 mk