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(Answer all the questions)

Section two - grammar and vocabulary (10 marks)

A- GRAMMAR (5 Marks)

I - Complete the dialogue with suitable words chosen from those in the brackets. (2.5 marks)
Ngwi: Hello Ikwa. How are you doing?
lkwa: Hi Ngwi. I’m fine thanks. I can see you have (1) . . . . . . for the interview. (prepare, preparing, prepared)
Ngwi: Yes, I have. (2) . . . … . . about you‘? Are you ready for the “D” day? (who, which, what)
Ikwa: Unfortunately, not yet. I have (3) . .. . . . . . compiled my documents . . . . . located the company. I feel so discouraged. (neither. nor, either. . .. or, both.. ....and)
Ngwi: You (4) . . . . . to be discouraged my friend. I will always help you. Try to put yourself together. (ought to, need to, ought not)
Ikwa: Thanks so much Ngwi. You are indeed a friend (5) . . . . . . . ? (are you? isn‘t it‘? aren’t you?)
Ngwi: Sure! Please get ready and let us go.
Ikwa: Just a moment, I will be with you.

II - Follow the instructions in the brackets and fill in the gaps in the sentences below.(2.5 marks)
1. “Students will keep the school environment clean on Monday," the Discipline Master said. (change to indirect speech)
2. The improvement in modern technology . .. .. . . . the world globally. (complete with the correct answer: change, has changed, changed)
3. I love swimming during my free time but when I am at home I’d . .. . . . . .watch television . . . . . . . . go out to drink with friends. (Expressing preferences)
4. The government has appointed community heads. They need to supervise load project.
(join with a coordinating conjunction)
5. If I have enough time in the village, I will visit all the health units.
(change to 2nd conditional)

B -Vocabulary (5 marks)

I - Use the appropriate expressions from the box to complete the passage below. There are more expressions than you will need. (2.5 marks)

to carry out, anyone, learning resources, medication, download, relax, everyone

Students are encouraged touse technology as a means of learning and acquiring knowledge.
1 For example, Amougou was an intelligent boy although he was from a poor background. He had the zeal to pass his exams but his lack of (1) . . . . . . . was a stumbling block to him. The school made provisions for computers in order (2) . . .. . . . research but the librarian lost the password so, students could not (3) . . . . . .the content. There was a need to change the librarian so (4) . . . . . . . .had to participate in the election because it was compulsory. Unfortunately, Amougou fell ill on that day and his mum rushed to the pharmacy to buy some (5) . .. . . . but the pharmacist recommended that he ate well and rested.

II - Choose the most appropriate answers from those in the brackets to fill in the blank spaces. ( 2,5 marks)
1) Facebook Account is inactive, these is a need to . . . . . it as soon as possible.
(Outdate, up to date, update)
2) Sonic bankers are very . . . . . . . They will always give your money whenever you want it. (honest, honesty, honestly)
3) Before elections, candidates need to go for . .. … . . . in order to convince people to vote for them. (camping, campaign, voting)
4) The habitats of animals are destroyed by humans because of the . . . . . . . . activities they carry out in the forests. (harmless, harm, harmful)
5) A writer writes stories about . . . . . . in order to help make them popular. (Celebrities, celebrants, celebrity)


Read the passage below and answer all the questions which follow.
The prices of different things that a consumer buys can be determined by many factors. The price can be left to the manufacturers, wholesalers and retailers to decide freely without government interference. This could be satisfactory as long as the manufacturers, wholesalers and retailers only add a small profit onto their costs. But sometimes they try to make so much profit that the poor consumer has to pay far too much and either suffers poverty or demands higher wages to enable him/her to pay the high prices. This leads to inflation. This is why governments step in to stabilise price. Their reasons are to protect the consumer and prevent inflation. The intervention of the government is called price control, and the government may control prices through a body of people called a price control board.
A government faces many difficulties in the process of fixing prices. The price control board cannot just say the price of sugar ought to be this and the price of tinned milk ought to be that. It takes into consideration many factors before it can fix the price at which goods are to be sold. The first aspect the government needs to consider is the cost of manufacturing the goods, that is, all the expenses, e.g. salaries, cost of raw materials, cost of equipment, cost of power (electricity), etc. incurred by the manufacturers (before they add their profit).
The government needs to know this, because it obviously cannot fix a price for the goods which is lower than the production costs of the manufacturer. The production costs are the basis for all the calculations of the price control board. The information about production costs can only be supplied by the manufacturing company which in many cases does not belong to the government.
Knowing that this information may well be used by the price control board to reduce their profits, the companies may be unwilling to supply the information, or may be tempted to supply inaccurate information. The board cannot fix prices without the information from the companies because the companies could accuse it offixing prices too low for them to cover their production costs.
Although the board may have all the information it needs, the system of distribution of goods in a country may present a further problem. To appreciate this, it is necessary first to consider the system of distribution. Normally goods have one price when they leave the factory, a higher price when they go from the wholesaler to the retailer and a still higher price when the customer in the shop buys from the retailer. Each trader covers the costs of his work and adds a profit too. We are interested mainly in the price paid by the consumer ofgoods, but in order to control this retail price, the price control board must also control prices at each stage in the process of distribution.
If prices are to be controlled in X factory at wholesale and at retail levels, there must be a neat system of distribution in the country so that control can be applied at each level. However, this is often not the case.
To give an example which is not untypical the manufacturer of the product has authorized dealers who are the only people or organisations through whom his commodities reach the public.
These dealers are a motley collection of people- businessmen and women, wives of civil servants and professional men, etc. It is they who have sufficient money to put down the deposit which the manufacturer demands from his dealers. It is the duty of the dealers to dispose of the goods they have collected. Dealers who carry on their business on part-time basis, like some housewives, have no warehouses, and so they have to dispose of the goods to other intermediaries almost as soon as they have been collected. Other dealers have warehouses and operate both as wholesalers and retailers. That is, they sell some of their goods in bulk to other middlemen who have obtained goods from the dealers are invariably wholesalers and retailers as well, since they have shops from which they sell in bulk to retailers and in smaller units to other consumers. It is from these middlemen that the petty retailers, market-women and street hawkers obtain their wares.

(culled and adapted from Effective English Students Book 3 Standard Edition by Michael
Montgomery and Faustina Yembe)

1. Name two things that determine prices of goods in the market. (1 mark)
2. Why will the government step in to stop manufacturers from increasing prices? (l mark)
3. Give two reasons that make the government to control prices sometimes. (2 marks)
4. List four things that the government must first consider before fixing the prices of manufactured goods. (2 marks)
5. Explain why customers usually pay for goods above the factory price. (2 marks)
6. What is the role of a warehouse to business? 2 marks)
7. Do you think the role of middlemen in the business world is necessary‘? Justify your answer. (2 marks)

Answer Questions 8-15 by ticking ( ƴ ) the correct alternative A, B, C or D. (1 mark each)
8) Another word for high prices is:
A- wages
B- inflation
C- price
D- price control
9) Which of these statements is true about the passage?
A- Poor people buy goods directly from manufacturers
B- the price control board cannot fix the price of goods without concrete information from the producer
C- Manufacturers do not add their expense to the cost price.
D- Government controls only electricity prices.
10) The system of distribution largely determines the price of goods. Answer with “True” or “False”
ll) These dealers are a motley collection of people. ‘motley’ means:
A- all
B- traders
C- variety
D- dealers
12) Manufacturers may not supply some dealers if they have not given a . . . . . .
A- deposit
B- commodity
C- cheque
D- demand
13) Retailers and hawkers obtain their goods from . . . . . .
A- middlemen
B- businessmen
C- professionals
D- dealer
14) What does ‘this’ refer to? Paragraph 3 line l.
A- the price of goods
B- production
C- general information about the manufacturing company
D- the manufacturer’s profit
15) What do you think are the effects of price control on manufacturers?
A- their production costs would increase
B- their products would become dearer
C- they would no longer be able to cover their production costs
D- their profits would be reduced

Section four- composition writing (20 marks)

Write a composition of about 350 - 400 words on ONE of the following topics.

You are Tita Ngum, and you just lost your job but need another one to sustain your family. There is an advert on the television by A and A Computers Limited for the position of managing director.
Write a letter of application to the Human Resource Manager. Your name is Tita Ngurn and your address is P.O Box 324. In your letter talk about: where you save the advert, your academic and professional qualifications, why this job is important to you, don‘t forget to name any two referees in your letter.

2. As a young and vibrant youth leader in your village, you saw the need to do some fundraising to help in the development of your community. Write a speech which you will deliver on the cultural day of your village in the presence of the chief and notables. In your speech, you will talk about the issues faced by the community and propose solutions to them and list the projects that will be realised with the money

3. You have observed that most people in your suburbs don’t see the importance modern technology.
Most of them don’t care about android phones, TV sets etc. Write an article to be published in Cameroon Tribune on the importance of ICTs to their lives. You should insist on: the meaning of ICT, examples of ICT devices, the use of technological devices, the importance of ICT devices.
Your name is Nji.

Section five literature awareness (20 marks)

Part one: literary notions (5 marks)

Tick ( ƴ ) the letter (a, b, c, d) corresponding for the correct response.
1) The title ofa poem is written in . .. . . . . .
a) Punctuation b) Quotes c) Paragraphs d) Stanzard
2) Which aspect of style is used in this line: ‘The Sun Shall Soon Shine’
a) Hyperbole b) Assonance c) Sirnile d) Alliteration
3) A situation where a character reflects on a scene in the past is a
a) Flashback b) Flash c) Remembrance d) Flash-forward
4) The main character who succeeds in a story is called
a) The antagonist b) The character c) The protagonist cl) The personae
5) A play can be acted on . . . . .
a) field b) plot c) stage d) roof


Read the excerpt and answer the questions which follows. Not all questions are directly linked to this excerpt. (5 marks)
“Yes, Ebod Api’s right. our main target now is to look for this child. We shall decide on what to l do when we find her” one of the men seconded.
“I propose that Mbacham take it on himself to find out from all his relatives, whether she is putting up with any of them. Worewum should do the same thing. After two days we will meet here again to see how things are. Is there any young man who could have eloped with her”?
“None that we know of’ answered Mbacham. But Api thought of John. That would be the first place she would go to.

1) Who are they looking for . . . . . . (0.5 mark)
a) Api b) Abo c) Ebod d) Mark
2. Why do you think the person went missing? (1 mark)
3. Name three (03) characters from the text. (1.5 marks)
4. Answer true or false to the following question (1 mark)
a) Api thinks that children t should be forced into early marriage . . . . . . . .
b) The village is made up of 20 clans . . . . . . . .
5. Identify the major theme from this excerpt and say how it contributes to the development story (1 mark)


1) The major setting of the test is . . . . . . (1 mark)
2) Coco visits New York for enjoyment. True or False (0,5 mark)
3) “It does not matter. She made me homeless. I gave her a home but through her own foolishness, she is struggling to be homeless. I played no role in her becoming homeless. Anyway. I hear her brother is King Croesus, why can’t he help?
- Who made this statement? . . . . . . .. (1 mark)
- What is the major theme highlighted as the speaker? . .. . . . . (1 mark)
4. Identify Yomi’s character trait. (1.5 marks)
5. Answer true or false to the following statements (1 mark)
a) Kindness should be returned with kindness . . . . . .
b) Coco did not assume the role of a parent to her siblings . . . . .


Read the poem below and answer the questions based on it in the spaces provided. (5 marks)

Weather history does not lie,
Something good is bidding us bye bye,
As seasons have become chameleons,
Growing wilder each year like lions.

I heard something about climate change,
I even read from a Geography page
That the massive destruction of the forest
Soonest it will not let us rest.

Greenhouse have made the climate stubborn
For much has changed ever since I was born
Lakes, springs and streams mourn their waters,
Rivers and seas have overflowed their borders.

Oceans have gone furious, mad or wild,
Tsunamis are common all this while
Causing human and material damage
All because of climate change.

Together let‘s stop climate change
Or is it the curse of this age?

1. Suggest a tittle for the poem. (0.5 marks)
2. Like the speaker, do you think climate change affects us today‘? Justify (1 mark)
3. Identify explain a stylistic device used in the poem. (1.5 marks)
4. How can the issue of climate change be solved in your country? (1 mark)
5. Answer True or False to the statements below (1 mark)
a) The poem has a melodious rhyme scheme . . . . . .
b) Tsunamis are very common today as a result of climate change .