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The text below is about a refugee girl called Hadidja. Read it carefully and then answer the questions that follow.

Hadidja ABDOUL is a pupil in Makary in the Far North region of Cameroon. Her parents are Mr. and Mrs. ABDOU. They were both very wealthy traders in Tchad. Hadidja and her two brothers went to good schools and had all their school needs.
Then One day, the Boko Hararn army chased their family out of their village, after burning their shop. The dangerous men also stole other villagers’ cattle and destroyed the crops on their farms.
Hadidja’s parents ran away from Tchad, leaving if everything behind, including their beautiful home.
When they got kary Hadrdja’s uncle received them and gave them a room to live in. Mr ABDOU registered his three children in a school where education is free. Hadidja promised to make her parents proud. She studied hard and won a scholarship.
She went to Germany where she is studying medicine.


A. Tick (ƴ) the correct answer. Each answer carries 2 marks.

l. Hadidja Abdoul is
a. the teacher of Mr Abdoul
b. a pupil in Makary
c. the mother of Far North.
2. Her parents were
a. wealthy traders in Tchad
b. lazy farmers in Makary
c. students in Cameroon
3. Hadidja and her brothers went to good schools because
a. their parents came from Tchad
b. they worked on the farm
c. their parents were rich

B. Write TRUE or FALSE. Each answer carries 1 mark.

l. Hadidja’s family ran away from Tchad after the Boko Haram burned their shop and chased them out of the village.
2. When they ran away Hadidja’s parents took along some of their things.

C. Answer using your own words. (12 marks)

ll. What did Hadidja’s family do when Boko Haram chased them? (2 marks)
2. Why do they call the Boko Haram ‘dangerous men? (2 marks)
3. Who welcomed Hadidja and her family in Makary? (2 marks)
4. Where did they live? (2 marks)
5. a) Did Hadidja stop going to school? (1 mark)
b) Who paid her school fees‘? (1 mark)
6. a) Would you like to he like Hadidja? (l mark)
b) Explain why or why not. (1 mark)