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C & D & E & TI
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I. Complete the following conversation on volunteering with the correct words chosen from those in the brackets. (5 marks)

Fidelis: Hi, Erin. You look busy these days. I hardly see you.
Erin: Hello, Fidelis. You are right. Since I started offering free computer classes, I have been pretty busy.
Fidelis: How did you get ………. (on, into, in) volunteering?
Erin: Well, I was bored doing nothing (2) . . . . . . . . . (for, since, during) last year holidays, so I organised free computer classes for adults in my community.
Fidelis: How do you feel about volunteering?
Erin: It’s very challenging helping old people to use digital technology (3) . . . . . . . (but, because, although) they think they are too old to learn. It’s tiring but very interesting.
Fidelis: I see... Have you (4). . . . . . . (benefits, benefit, benefitted) from volunteering?
Erin: Sure! It has helped me improve my communication skills and I have gained a lot of teaching experience as well. I have also learnt to be (5) . .. . . . . (patients, patient, patience)
Fidelis: Wow! It’s worth experiencing. I’ll try it someday. See you guy!
Erin: Why not join me, Fidelis?

II. Rewrite the sentences beginning with the phrases or Words given to you. Do not change the meaning of the preceding sentence. (5 marks)

1. I pass my Baccalaureat exam. I go abroad to further my studies. If I passed . .. . . . . . ..
2. Many young people are using smartphones to communicate nowadays. Smaartphones . . .. . . . . .
3. “I will visit my childhood friends in Foumbot next year”, Ayuk said. Ayuk said . .. . . . . .. . . .
4. I woke up late this morning. I watched the opening ceremony of the World Cup in Qatar last night  I watched. . .. . . . . . . ..
5. There are bank security measures. Criminals still succeed in stealing money. Despite. .. . . . . . . .


I. Fill in the blanks with the correct word chosen from those in the brackets. (5 marks)

1. It is difficult to eat these days. Everything is expensive. We don’t . . .. . . . when foodstuffs inflation will stop in Cameroon. Nothing is easy. (know, now, no)
2. Before getting a job now, you have to undergo an . .. . . . . .or two. If you do well, they can offer you the post but there are so many applicants for the same post. (demand, interview, entertainment)
3. During my spare time. I like . . . .. . . . . television or listening to music. Many girls prefer browsing their computers or reading messages. (watching, seeing, regarding)
4. That’s not true. Remember that gender . .. . . . . .. is not good.
Why don’t you just refer to all the youths? (difference, discrimination, distinguishing)
5. Don’t take it too seriously. I need to smile so as to forget my worries. We have gone for three months now without salaries. Our. .. . . . . . .has not paid us a single franc. (employee, employer, patron) p

II. Complete the following cloze text with the correct answer chosen from the list below. There are more words than you will need. (5 marks)

give up, card, bills, waiter, situation, delicious, mood, call, ketchup, application, job, money

After my Baccalaureat, I decided to go abroad to further my education and find a good job that will enable me help my family back home. Unfortunately, I couldn’t do so because the embassy did not respond to the visa (1) . . . . . . .that I dropped there. This (2) . .. . . . . . stressed me up for a long time. One day, my friend Richard took me out in order to change my (3) . .. . . . . end help me relate We went to a Wonderful restaurant with (4) . .. . . . . . local and western dishes. The (5) . .. . . . . served me Fufu and Eru while my friend ordered fried chicken and chips with mayonnaise and (6) . . .. . . . When we had finished enjoying ourselves, Richard did not have enough cash to pay for the (7) . .. . . . . . . . so he had to use his credit (8) … . . . . . W to settle the cost. On our way back home, I received a phone (9). . . . . . . from the embassy telling me that I had been approved. A month later, I travelled to America. I can actually attest that whatever difficulties we face in life, we should never (10) . . . . . . .


Read the passage carefully and then answer the questions below in complete English sentences. Use your own words as far as possible.

Cameroon is experiencing a great awareness of many researchers who invest in the domain of health. Many of them are throwing more light on some diseases through the discovery of appropriate medication or equipment that helps the society in general to treat them and avoid unpredictable and negative consequences. Arthur Zang, a young Cameroonian aged 24, invented a device called the Cardio pad.
The Cardio pad is a touch screen medical tablet that enables heart examinations to be performed. The results of the tests are sent wirelessly to specialists in other parts of Cameroon who can interpret them. The Cameroon Scientific Committee has recognised the Cardio pad as extremely effective. The device costs about $4000. The government of Cameroon has not yet been able to provide it to local hospitals in need, as it was initially meant to serve. in rural areas; due to the fact that most of those hospitals lack internet and enough electricity.
As the Covid-19 pandemic continues to ravage the world’s health care system and disrupts socio-economic activities, intensive efforts in the developed countries to find a vaccine yielded fruits. Cameroon, like other African countries, did not fold its arms and wait. The search for new remedies with traditional herbs proved effective in curbing the spread of the virus. Today, the country boasts of four traditional herbs which accompany the population in curbing or preventing the deadly pandemic.
The good news was made known on July 8, 2021, when the Minister of Public Health, officially authorised the local marketing of four improved traditional medicines to fight against Covid- 19 for a period of three years. Thése are: Adsak Covid/ Elixir Covid, produced by the archbishop of Douala, Mgr Samuel Kleda, Corocur Powder, by the cardiologist, Euloge Yagnigni, Soudicov Plus, by Imam Modibo Soudi, and the “Ngul Be Tara” kit for Covid-l9 treatment by Dr Peyou Ndi
Samba. In his decision, Malachie Manaouda specifies that the four approved improved traditional medicines are “adjuvants to the treatment of Covid-19” in Cameroon. That is, they must be associated with the existing anti-Covid-19 protocol. An administrator of the Ministry of Public Health, indicated that these traditional medicines were recognised independently by a national drug commission in collaboration with the Ministry of Scientific Research and that of Higher Education.
Naturopathic practitioners, who developed and presented these traditional herbs, rejoiced seeing their research works endorsed by the government. But the happiest in all was the population as it benefited from the herbs at a time everybody feared dying if affected with the Coronavirus.
Millions of Cameroonians have attested the goodness of the different traditional herbs to cure Covid-19 and the testimonies continue.

(Culledjrom Cameroon Tribune)

Who is Arthur ZANG and what is Cardio pad‘? (2 marks)
Has the Cameroonian government been able to provide the cardio pad to local hospitals? Why‘? (2 marks)
3- Name two medications and their inventors that accompany the population in curbing or preventing the Covid-19 pandemic. (1 mark)
4- Say whether the following statements are true (T) or false (F) (0.5 mark each)
a) Covid-19 has not disrupted socio-economic activities
b) Cameroonians and Africans folded their arms and waited for solutions.
5- Are those traditional herbs efficient? How do you know? (2 marks)
6- As a science student, what would you like to achieve in the medical field, in future? Why? (2 marks)


Write a composition of between 250 -- 300 words on ONE of the following topics:

1- There have been power cats in your neighbourhood. Sometimes you go for weeks without electricity. This situation is affecting your studies and your family life negatively. Write a letter of complaint to the Manager of AES SONEL about the power cuts and how they are affecting you. In your letter: talk about the frequency of these cuts, the consequences on you, your family and the community as a whole.
Your name is Togi and your address is G.H.S. Warda, P.O. Box 2222, Gari Gombo. .

2- Farmers of your village have more and more difficulties in carrying out their activities as days go by. The seasons keep on changing and the rainy seasons during which they used to plant their seeds have become unpredictable. The situation affects the whole chain of food production. Write an essay on the causes, consequences of climate change, and provide some solutions to prevent it in the society.

3- There is an outbreak of cholera currently going on in your area, Wawa In. As the president of the Health Committee, you have been selected to sensitise the people on how to prevent cholera. Write a speech in which you describe the mode of transmission of cholera, its symptoms and how it could be prevented.