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I. Complete the following conversation on volunteering with the correct words chosen from those in the brackets. (5 marks)
1) into
2) during
3) because
4) benefitted
5) patient.
I. Rewrite the sentences beginning with the phrases or Words given to you. Do not change the meaning of the preceding sentence. (5 marks)
1. If I passed my Baccalaureat exam, I would go abroad to further my studies.
2. Smartphones are being used by many young people to communicate nowadays.
3. Ayuk said that he would visit his childhood friends in Foumbot next year.
4. I watched the opening ceremony of the World Cup in Qatar last night, so I woke up late this morning.
5. Despite the bank security measures, criminals still succeed in stealing money.


I. Fill in the blanks with the correct word chosen from those in the brackets. (5 marks)
1. It is difficult to eat these days. Everything is expensive. We don’t know when foodstuffs inflation will stop in Cameroon. Nothing is easy.
2. Before getting a job now, you have to undergo an interview or two. If you do well, they can offer you the post, but there are so many applicants for the same post.
3. During my spare time, I like watching television or listening to music. Many girls prefer browsing their computers or reading messages.
4. That’s not true. Remember that gender discrimination is not good. Why don’t you just refer to all the youths?
5. Don’t take it too seriously. I need to smile so as to forget my worries. We have gone for three months now without salaries. Our employer has not paid us a single franc.

II. Complete the following cloze text with the correct answer chosen from the list below. There are more words than you will need. (5 marks)
(1) application
(2) situation
(3) mood
(4) delicious
(5) waiter
(6) ketchup.
(7) bills,
(8) card
(9) call
(10) give up.


Read the passage carefully and then answer the questions below in complete English sentences. Use your own words as far as possible.
1. Arthur Zang is a young Cameroonian inventor, aged 24, who created a device called the Cardio pad. (1 mark)
The Cardio pad is a touch screen medical tablet designed to perform heart examinations, with test results sent wirelessly to specialists in other parts of Cameroon for interpretation. (1 mark)
2. No, the Cameroonian government has not been able to provide the Cardio pad to local hospitals. (1 mark)
This is because many of these hospitals, especially in rural areas, lack the necessary internet access and sufficient electricity needed to support the device. (1 mark)
3. Two medications that accompany the population in curbing or preventing the Covid-19 pandemic in Cameroon are: (1 mark)
• Adsak Covid/Elixir Covid - invented by Archbishop Samuel Kleda of Douala.
• Corocur Powder - invented by cardiologist Euloge Yagnigni.
4. Say whether the following statements are true (T) or false (F)
• a) False (F) - Covid-19 has disrupted socio-economic activities. (0.5 mark)
• b) False (F) - Cameroonians and Africans did not fold their arms; they actively sought solutions, including the development of traditional remedies to combat the virus. (0.5 mark)
5. Yes, (1 mark)
The traditional herbs are considered efficient. This is evident because millions of Cameroonians have attested to their effectiveness in curing Covid-19, and the government officially authorized the local marketing of four improved traditional medicines to fight against the virus. The continued positive testimonies from the population further support their efficiency. (1 mark)
6. As a science student aspiring to contribute to the medical field, I have several goals: (2 mark)
• Research and Innovation: I want to engage in cutting-edge research and contribute to medical advancements. Whether it’s developing new treatments, understanding disease mechanisms, or improving diagnostics, I’m passionate about pushing the boundaries of knowledge.
• Patient Care: I aim to directly impact patients’ lives. Whether as a physician, nurse, or allied health professional, I want to provide compassionate care, alleviate suffering, and improve health outcomes.
• Global Health: I’m drawn to addressing health disparities worldwide. I want to work in underserved communities, tackle infectious diseases, and promote preventive measures to enhance overall well-being.
• Health Education: Educating people about health and disease prevention is crucial. I’d like to contribute by teaching, writing, or creating accessible health resources.
• Ethical Practice: Upholding ethical standards is paramount. I want to advocate for patient rights, informed consent, and evidence-based medicine.
Ultimately, my goal is to make a positive impact, combining scientific knowledge with empathy and compassion.


Write a composition of between 250 - 300 words on ONE of the following topics:
G.H.S. Warda, P.O. Box 2222,
Gari Gombo
Date: August 19, 2024
Manager, AES SONEL
Gari Gombo Office
Dear Sir/Madam,
I am writing to express my deep concern regarding the frequent power cuts in our neighborhood. For the past few months, we have been experiencing severe disruptions to our electricity supply, often going for weeks without power. This ongoing issue is severely impacting both my studies and my family life.
The frequency of these power cuts has become increasingly problematic. On average, we face power outages several times a week, and at times, the electricity is unavailable for up to two days consecutively. This erratic supply has made it challenging to keep up with my academic responsibilities. As a student, consistent access to electricity is crucial for studying, completing assignments, and accessing educational resources online. The lack of power has resulted in missed deadlines and hindered my academic performance.
Additionally, these power cuts have caused significant disruptions to my family life. Our household appliances, including the refrigerator and cooking equipment, are rendered useless during outages. This situation has led to spoiled food, difficulty in preparing meals, and increased expenses as we have to buy perishable items more frequently. The lack of power also affects our ability to stay informed through media and maintain proper communication.
The broader community is similarly affected. Local businesses struggle to operate, and essential services are interrupted, causing inconvenience and economic losses.
I kindly request that AES SONEL address this issue urgently. Reliable electricity is vital for our daily lives, and a prompt resolution would greatly alleviate the challenges we are currently facing.
Thank you for your attention to this matter.
Yours sincerely,

Climate Change: Causes, Consequences, and Solutions

Climate change is a pressing global issue that affects every aspect of our lives. From extreme weather events to disruptions in food production, its consequences are far-reaching. In this essay, we’ll explore the causes of climate change, its impact on agriculture, and practical solutions to mitigate its effects.

Causes of Climate Change
1. Greenhouse Gas Emissions: Fossil fuels—coal, oil, and gas—are major contributors to climate change. They release greenhouse gases (GHGs) into the atmosphere, trapping heat and causing global warming. Deforestation also reduces the Earth’s capacity to absorb carbon dioxide.
2. Industrial Activities: Manufacturing, transportation, and energy production release significant GHGs. Deforestation for urbanization and agriculture exacerbates the problem.

Consequences of Climate Change
1. Agriculture Disruptions:
• Unpredictable Seasons: Changing weather patterns disrupt planting and harvesting cycles. Rainy seasons are no longer reliable, affecting farmers’ ability to sow seeds.
• Crop Failures: Extreme temperatures, droughts, and floods harm crops. Reduced yields threaten food security.
• Livestock Challenges: Heat stress affects livestock health, productivity, and reproduction.
2. Economic Impact:
• Loss of Livelihoods: Farmers face income losses due to crop failures. Rural communities suffer.
• Increased Food Prices: Reduced agricultural output leads to higher food prices, affecting consumers globally.
3. Environmental Consequences:
• Biodiversity Loss: Habitats change, endangering plant and animal species.
• Sea Level Rise: Melting glaciers and ice sheets contribute to rising sea levels, threatening coastal communities.

Solutions to Prevent Climate Change
1. Individual Actions:
• Reduce Energy Consumption: Use energy-efficient appliances, switch to LED bulbs, and limit heating and cooling use2.
• Promote Sustainable Transport: Walk, cycle, or use public transport to reduce emissions from personal vehicles.
2. Political Advocacy:
• Lobby for Change: Pressure local politicians and businesses to support emission reduction efforts. Attend meetings and voice concerns3.
• Support Climate Policies: Advocate for policies that promote clean energy, carbon pricing, and conservation.
3. Transition to Renewable Energy:
• Invest in Solar and Wind: Transition from fossil fuels to renewable energy sources.
• Promote Green Technologies: Encourage research and development of clean energy solutions.
4. Afforestation and Reforestation:
• Plant Trees: Forests absorb CO2 and help regulate the climate.
• Restore Degraded Land: Revive ecosystems to enhance carbon sequestration.
5. Education and Awareness:
• Spread Knowledge: Educate communities about climate change and its impact.
• Inspire Action: Encourage collective efforts to reduce emissions.

Climate change affects us all, but we can make a difference. By understanding its causes, addressing its consequences, and implementing practical solutions, we can create a sustainable future for generations to come. Let us act now to protect our planet

Speech on Cholera Prevention
Ladies and Gentlemen,
Good [morning/afternoon/evening],
As the president of the Health Committee, I stand before you today to address a critical issue that is affecting our community—an outbreak of cholera. It is essential for us to come together and understand how to protect ourselves and our loved ones from this dangerous disease.

Mode of Transmission
Cholera is primarily transmitted through contaminated water and food. The bacteria that cause cholera, Vibrio cholerae, are often present in water sources that have been polluted by fecal matter. This contamination can occur due to inadequate sanitation and hygiene practices. Consuming food or water that has been in contact with such contaminants is the most common way for cholera to spread.

Recognizing the symptoms of cholera is crucial for early detection and treatment. The most common symptoms include:
Severe diarrhea, which may be watery and resemble “rice water.”
Vomiting, which often accompanies diarrhea.
Rapid dehydration, leading to symptoms like dry mouth, excessive thirst, dark-colored urine, and dizziness.
In severe cases, cholera can cause shock and even be life-threatening if not treated promptly.
If you or someone you know exhibits these symptoms, it is vital to seek medical attention immediately.

Prevention Measures
Preventing cholera is largely about ensuring good hygiene and sanitation. Here are some essential steps we should all follow:
Safe Drinking Water: Ensure that all water you consume is clean. Boil water before drinking or use water purification tablets. Avoid drinking untreated water from unreliable sources.
Proper Food Handling: Wash fruits and vegetables thoroughly with clean water before eating. Cook food thoroughly and avoid consuming raw or undercooked foods.
Hand Hygiene: Regularly wash your hands with soap and clean water, especially before eating and after using the toilet. Proper handwashing helps prevent the spread of bacteria.
Sanitation: Maintain proper sanitation in your living environment. Ensure that waste is disposed of properly and that toilets are kept clean and functional.
Education and Awareness: Educate yourself and others about cholera and its prevention. Share this information with friends, family, and neighbors to ensure everyone is aware of the risks and preventive measures.

By following these preventive measures, we can protect ourselves and our community from cholera. Let us work together to maintain good hygiene, ensure safe water and food practices, and promote awareness. If we each do our part, we can overcome this outbreak and safeguard our health.
Thank you for your attention and cooperation.
Stay safe and healthy.